R Packages for Geochemical Biology

Plots from Papers by Jeffrey M. Dick

Documentation for package ‘JMDplots’ version 1.2.19-14

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A B C D E G H J L M N O P Q R S U X Y misc

JMDplots-package Plots from papers by Jeffrey M. Dick

-- A --

aaaq Amino acid group additivity
aaaq10 Amino acid group additivity
aaaq13 Amino acid group additivity
aaaq4 Amino acid group additivity
addexif Some utilities for the package
add_Co_aqueous Carrollite stability
aoscp Average oxidation state of carbon in proteins
aoscp1 Average oxidation state of carbon in proteins
aoscp2 Average oxidation state of carbon in proteins
aoscp3 Average oxidation state of carbon in proteins
aoscp4 Average oxidation state of carbon in proteins
aoscp5 Average oxidation state of carbon in proteins
aoscp6 Average oxidation state of carbon in proteins

-- B --

bison Relative stabilities of proteins inferred from a hot-spring metagenome
bison1 Relative stabilities of proteins inferred from a hot-spring metagenome
bison2 Relative stabilities of proteins inferred from a hot-spring metagenome
bison3 Relative stabilities of proteins inferred from a hot-spring metagenome
bison4 Relative stabilities of proteins inferred from a hot-spring metagenome
bison5 Relative stabilities of proteins inferred from a hot-spring metagenome
bison6 Relative stabilities of proteins inferred from a hot-spring metagenome
bison7 Relative stabilities of proteins inferred from a hot-spring metagenome
bison8 Relative stabilities of proteins inferred from a hot-spring metagenome

-- C --

calc_affinity Energy release during protein synthesis at ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems
calc_carrollite Carrollite stability
calc_logaH2_intermediate Using thermodynamics to obtain geochemical information from genomes
canH2O Water as a reactant in the differential expression of proteins in cancer
canH2O1 Water as a reactant in the differential expression of proteins in cancer
canH2O2 Water as a reactant in the differential expression of proteins in cancer
canH2O3 Water as a reactant in the differential expression of proteins in cancer
canH2O4 Water as a reactant in the differential expression of proteins in cancer
canH2O5 Water as a reactant in the differential expression of proteins in cancer
canH2OS1 Water as a reactant in the differential expression of proteins in cancer
canH2OS2 Water as a reactant in the differential expression of proteins in cancer
canH2OT1 Water as a reactant in the differential expression of proteins in cancer
canH2OT2 Water as a reactant in the differential expression of proteins in cancer
canprot Functions for processing differential expression datasets
carrollite Carrollite stability
carrollite_5 Carrollite stability
carrollite_8 Carrollite stability
carrollite_S3 Carrollite stability
carrollite_S4 Carrollite stability
carrollite_S5 Carrollite stability
carrollite_S6 Carrollite stability
check_IDs Functions for processing differential expression datasets
chem16S Community-level chemical metrics
chem16S_1 Community-level chemical metrics
chnosz10 Thermodynamic calculations and diagrams for geochemistry
chnosz101 Thermodynamic calculations and diagrams for geochemistry
chnosz104 Thermodynamic calculations and diagrams for geochemistry
chnosz105 Thermodynamic calculations and diagrams for geochemistry
chnosz106 Thermodynamic calculations and diagrams for geochemistry
chnosz107 Thermodynamic calculations and diagrams for geochemistry
chnosz10S1 Thermodynamic calculations and diagrams for geochemistry
chnosz10S10 Thermodynamic calculations and diagrams for geochemistry
chnosz10S2 Thermodynamic calculations and diagrams for geochemistry
chnosz10S3 Thermodynamic calculations and diagrams for geochemistry
chnosz10S5 Thermodynamic calculations and diagrams for geochemistry
chnosz10S6A Thermodynamic calculations and diagrams for geochemistry
chnosz10S6B Thermodynamic calculations and diagrams for geochemistry
chnosz10S7 Thermodynamic calculations and diagrams for geochemistry
chnosz10S8 Thermodynamic calculations and diagrams for geochemistry
chnosz10S9 Thermodynamic calculations and diagrams for geochemistry
cleanup Functions for processing differential expression datasets
cpcp Chemical portraits of cancer proteomes

-- D --

dataset_metrics Adaptations of microbial genomes to human body chemistry
devodata Data from developmental proteomics studies
diffplot Functions for processing differential expression datasets
dunnTest Dunn's Kruskal-Wallis Multiple Comparisons
dunnTest.default Dunn's Kruskal-Wallis Multiple Comparisons
dunnTest.formula Dunn's Kruskal-Wallis Multiple Comparisons

-- E --

Ehplot Chemical portraits of cancer proteomes
evdevH2O Water activity and redox potential in evolution and development
evdevH2O1 Water activity and redox potential in evolution and development
evdevH2O2 Water activity and redox potential in evolution and development
evdevH2O3 Water activity and redox potential in evolution and development
evdevH2O4 Water activity and redox potential in evolution and development
evdevH2O5 Water activity and redox potential in evolution and development
evdevH2O6 Water activity and redox potential in evolution and development
evdevH2O7 Water activity and redox potential in evolution and development
evdevH2O8 Water activity and redox potential in evolution and development

-- G --

geo16S Chemical links between redox conditions and community reference proteomes
geo16S1 Chemical links between redox conditions and community reference proteomes
geo16S2 Chemical links between redox conditions and community reference proteomes
geo16S3 Chemical links between redox conditions and community reference proteomes
geo16S4 Chemical links between redox conditions and community reference proteomes
geo16S5 Chemical links between redox conditions and community reference proteomes
geo16S_S1 Chemical links between redox conditions and community reference proteomes
geo16S_S2 Chemical links between redox conditions and community reference proteomes
geo16S_S3 Chemical links between redox conditions and community reference proteomes
geo16S_S4 Chemical links between redox conditions and community reference proteomes
geo16S_S5 Chemical links between redox conditions and community reference proteomes
geo16S_S6 Chemical links between redox conditions and community reference proteomes
getCBS17 Data from developmental proteomics studies
getFOK21 Data from developmental proteomics studies
getmdat_geo16S Chemical links between redox conditions and community reference proteomes
getmdat_orp16S Influence of redox potential on bacterial protein evolution
getmetrics_geo16S Chemical links between redox conditions and community reference proteomes
getmetrics_orp16S Influence of redox potential on bacterial protein evolution
getphyloaa Calculate optimal logaH2O and logfO2 for target proteins
get_colors Chemical portraits of cancer proteomes
get_comptab Functions for processing differential expression datasets
gradH2O Signatures of salinity gradients in the chemical composition of proteins
gradH2O0 Signatures of salinity gradients in the chemical composition of proteins
gradH2O1 Signatures of salinity gradients in the chemical composition of proteins
gradH2O2 Signatures of salinity gradients in the chemical composition of proteins
gradH2O3 Signatures of salinity gradients in the chemical composition of proteins
gradH2O4 Signatures of salinity gradients in the chemical composition of proteins
gradH2O5 Signatures of salinity gradients in the chemical composition of proteins
gradH2O6 Signatures of salinity gradients in the chemical composition of proteins
gradH2O7 Signatures of salinity gradients in the chemical composition of proteins
gradox Carbon oxidation state of proteins inferred from metagenomes in redox gradients
gradox1 Carbon oxidation state of proteins inferred from metagenomes in redox gradients
gradox2 Carbon oxidation state of proteins inferred from metagenomes in redox gradients
gradox3 Carbon oxidation state of proteins inferred from metagenomes in redox gradients
gradox4 Carbon oxidation state of proteins inferred from metagenomes in redox gradients
gradox5 Carbon oxidation state of proteins inferred from metagenomes in redox gradients
gradoxS1 Carbon oxidation state of proteins inferred from metagenomes in redox gradients
gradoxS2 Carbon oxidation state of proteins inferred from metagenomes in redox gradients
grad_mplot Plotting functions for chemical composition of metagenomes
groupplots Chemical portraits of cancer proteomes

-- H --

hyphen.in.pdf Some utilities for the package

-- J --

JMDplots Plots from papers by Jeffrey M. Dick

-- L --

LYSC_example Water activity and redox potential in evolution and development

-- M --

MaximAct Calculate optimal logaH2O and logfO2 for target proteins
mcomp Plotting functions for chemical composition of metagenomes
mergedplot Chemical portraits of cancer proteomes
microhum Adaptations of microbial genomes to human body chemistry
microhum_1 Adaptations of microbial genomes to human body chemistry
microhum_1_1 Adaptations of microbial genomes to human body chemistry
microhum_2 Adaptations of microbial genomes to human body chemistry
microhum_3 Adaptations of microbial genomes to human body chemistry
microhum_3_1 Adaptations of microbial genomes to human body chemistry
microhum_4 Adaptations of microbial genomes to human body chemistry
microhum_5 Adaptations of microbial genomes to human body chemistry
microhum_5_1 Adaptations of microbial genomes to human body chemistry
microhum_6 Adaptations of microbial genomes to human body chemistry
microhum_6_1 Adaptations of microbial genomes to human body chemistry
mjenergy Energy release during protein synthesis at ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems
mjenergy1 Energy release during protein synthesis at ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems
mjenergy2 Energy release during protein synthesis at ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems
mjenergy3 Energy release during protein synthesis at ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems
mjenergy_Dataset_S1 Energy release during protein synthesis at ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems
mjenergy_Table_S3 Energy release during protein synthesis at ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems
mkvig Functions for processing differential expression datasets
mpage Plotting functions for chemical composition of metagenomes
mplot Plotting functions for chemical composition of metagenomes

-- N --

NifProteomes Signatures of salinity gradients in the chemical composition of proteins

-- O --

orp16S Influence of redox potential on bacterial protein evolution
orp16S_1 Influence of redox potential on bacterial protein evolution
orp16S_2 Influence of redox potential on bacterial protein evolution
orp16S_3 Influence of redox potential on bacterial protein evolution
orp16S_4 Influence of redox potential on bacterial protein evolution
orp16S_5 Influence of redox potential on bacterial protein evolution
orp16S_6 Influence of redox potential on bacterial protein evolution
orp16S_D3 Influence of redox potential on bacterial protein evolution
orp16S_info Influence of redox potential on bacterial protein evolution
orp16S_S1 Influence of redox potential on bacterial protein evolution
orp16S_S2 Influence of redox potential on bacterial protein evolution
orp16S_T1 Influence of redox potential on bacterial protein evolution
orp16S_util Plotting functions for orp16S paper

-- P --

pcomp Plotting functions for chemical composition of metagenomes
pdat_ Get protein expression data
pdat_3D Get protein expression data
pdat_aneuploidy Get protein expression data
pdat_breast Get protein expression data
pdat_colorectal Get protein expression data
pdat_fly Get protein expression data
pdat_glucose Get protein expression data
pdat_HPA Get protein expression data
pdat_hypoxia Get protein expression data
pdat_liver Get protein expression data
pdat_lung Get protein expression data
pdat_osmotic_bact Get protein expression data
pdat_osmotic_euk Get protein expression data
pdat_osmotic_gene Get protein expression data
pdat_osmotic_halo Get protein expression data
pdat_pancreatic Get protein expression data
pdat_prostate Get protein expression data
pdat_secreted Get protein expression data
pdat_TCGA Get protein expression data
pdat_yeast_stress Get protein expression data
plotEZ Plotting functions for orp16S paper
plotMA Plotting functions for orp16S paper
plotmet_geo16S Chemical links between redox conditions and community reference proteomes
plot_starburst Starburst plot for parent and children taxa
ppage Plotting functions for chemical composition of metagenomes
print.dunnTest Dunn's Kruskal-Wallis Multiple Comparisons
PS Retrieve phylostrata for given UniProt IDs

-- Q --

qdist Functions for processing differential expression datasets

-- R --

rankdiff Chemical portraits of cancer proteomes
rankplot Chemical portraits of cancer proteomes
runMaximAct Water activity and redox potential in evolution and development

-- S --

scsc Yeast subcellular location
scsc2 Yeast subcellular location
scsc3 Yeast subcellular location
subsurface User-provided data for metagenomes

-- U --

utils Some utilities for the package
utogig Using thermodynamics to obtain geochemical information from genomes
utogig1 Using thermodynamics to obtain geochemical information from genomes
utogig2 Using thermodynamics to obtain geochemical information from genomes
utogig3 Using thermodynamics to obtain geochemical information from genomes
utogig4 Using thermodynamics to obtain geochemical information from genomes
utogigS1 Using thermodynamics to obtain geochemical information from genomes
utogigS2 Using thermodynamics to obtain geochemical information from genomes
utogigS4 Using thermodynamics to obtain geochemical information from genomes

-- X --

xsummary Functions for processing differential expression datasets
xsummary2 Functions for processing differential expression datasets
xsummary3 Functions for processing differential expression datasets

-- Y --

yeast Composition, localization, and abundances of proteins in yeast
yeast.aa Composition, localization, and abundances of proteins in yeast
yeast.ZC Composition, localization, and abundances of proteins in yeast
yeastgfp Composition, localization, and abundances of proteins in yeast

-- misc --

.pdat_multi Get protein expression data
.pdat_osmotic Get protein expression data