CHNOSZ_0.9-5 (2011-04-05) Minor updates in consideration of upcoming R-2.13.0: change Makefile in inst/doc to be compatible with a parallel make; move *.csv files not used in construction of 'thermo' object to 'inst/extdata' (and adjust paths in examples and in argument defaults of 'add.obigt' accordingly). CHNOSZ_0.9-4 (2011-02-22) Add 'cex.names' argument to strip(). Rewrite s2c() to use strsplit(). diagram() now accepts a 'group' argument without names. Update read.supcrt() to be able to import SLOP07.dat (fixes some problems with strangely formatted header and data fields). Add cyclohexane,aq data from Plyasunov and Shock, 2001. Add scripts in 'refseq' directory for processing NCBI RefSeq data, and add 'protein_refseq.csv' datafile with computed amino acid compositions for each taxon ID (taxid). Move code from danger() to add.obigt() (used to activate supplementary thermodynamic data). Add anim.TCA() for making animated stability diagrams for reactants in tricarboxylic acid cycle. New function slice.affinity() for extracting results from affinity() along a particular dimension. Move data files with non-standard file types to new 'extdata' directory. CHNOSZ_0.9-3 (2010-12-21) diagram() by default does not plot legends on 1D diagrams if there are more than 10 species, and now handles activity calculations in more than two dimensions (still only up to two are plotted). Change 'title' argument to 'main' and 'property' to 'what'; if latter is set to the name of a basis species the function calculates its equilibrium activity. get.protein() now searches the "AC" column in ECO.csv. Add HUM.csv for human proteins. Merge draw.diversity() into revisit(); add new targets (qqr, rmsd, cvrmsd, ratio) and plots (scatterplots with legend and LOESS fit). affinity() now returns x- and y-values used for calculations. Change argument 'x' to 'pattern' in grep.file() and implement search for multiple patterns. Add vignettes on energy of rotein formation, getting started with CHNOSZ, and growth temperature and relative stabilities of proteins. CHNOSZ_0.9-2 (2010-08-25) Add missing aliases in help files for data sets 'SOJSH' and 'check'. CHNOSZ_0.9-1 (2010-07-20) Add expansivity (E) and compressibility (kT) to water (SUPCRT92) calculations. Use double quotes to system calls to grep in grep.file() and read.fasta() so filenames with special characters can be processed. The 'values' element of the list returned by affinity() now has dimensions equal to the number of variables. Use extendrange() to automatically get the y-limits of line (1-D) plots made by diagram(). Separate the utility functions in thermo.R into a number of util.* files, and also reorganize the corresponding documentation files. Add functions mtitle(), count.taxa(), is.fasta(), splitline(), trimfas(), protein.formula(), residue.formula(), species.label(). Add functions getnodes(), getrank(), parent(), allparents(), getnames() and sciname() for working with NCBI taxonomy files. Add function danger() for loading alternative entries to the thermodynamic database (this supersedes the functionality provided by the 'level' setting in thermo$opt, which is no longer supported). Move some of the longer examples from the documentation to longex(). Parts of the examples in the documentation that should not be run during e.g. the CRAN package checks are now protected by '\donttest'. CHNOSZ_0.9 (2009-11-30) Fix .First.lib so package date correctly displays when a CRAN-built package is loaded. Add URL to DESCRIPTION. In protein(), fix UniProt search and add colClasses to read.csv function call so names of proteins and organisms are always read as character. Add DNA polymerases and mammalian aquaporin-1, myoglobin and p53 to protein.csv to support examples. Fix issue in supcrt() where balancing reactions with charged species didn't work correctly. affinity() now handles transects along multiple variables (useful for specifying nonuniform increments), invoked by specifying variables with length > 3. Modifications to diagram(): Add 'group' argument to treat groups of species as single composite species; implement 'alpha' option for 0-D diagrams; add 'bg' argument for specifying background color of legend; speed up plotting of predominance field labels and boundary lines. Change system function call in grep.file() from grep to egrep (for extended regular expressions). read.fasta() now has options to return the sequences and the lines from the file. Add functions residue.comp() for calculating the per-residue compositions of proteins, nucleicacids() for counting the bases and computing the formulas of DNA and RNA, unitize() for scaling activities of proteins so total activity of residues is unity (or other user-specified value), strip() to plot relative abundances as variable-width color bars, longex() to run additional examples. Add ability to select from duplicated species in database using new 'level' option in thermo$opt. Update yeast examples in get.protein() to be consistent with Dick, 2009. Add URLs to reference lists in documentation. CHNOSZ_0.8 (2009-04-22) New functions extremes, where.extreme, diversity, richness, plot.diversity, abundance, abundance.old (extracted from diagram), protein.residue, grep.file, read.fasta, energy (extracted from affinity), mylapply transfer. Affinity calculations using new 'energy' function can be performed in more than two dimensions. Using Boltzmann distribution equation, new 'abundance' function performs faster calculations of relative abundance of species than 'abundance.old'. Files SGD.csv, ECO.csv and yeastgfp.csv are now included in the CHNOSZ package. Protein sequences in FASTA files can be searched and loaded using 'grep.file' and 'read.fasta'. Parallel processing implemented for some calculations -- new utility function mylapply calls lapply, or mclapply if multicore package is loaded; mylapply used in functions abundance, affinity (iprotein option), protein.length, aminoacids. New argument iprotein in 'affinity' to designate proteins for which to calculate affinities of formation reactions using speed-optimized approach (calculate those of the amino acid residues, then sum them together appropriately). Replaced 'proteome' with 'get.protein' and fixed bug in calculating compositions of proteologs from abundance data. Add residues, yeast cell-cycle proteins and carboxylases to protein datafile. Introduce transfer function for reaction path simulations for minerals and proteins. Documentation includes new examples of stress response and diversity calculations. CHNOSZ_0.7-2 (2008-11-12) New functions 'add.protein' and 'add.obigt' to read local data files. In 'diagram' fix calculation of predominant proteins in residue formation reactions. CHNOSZ_0.7-1 (2008-09-19) Minor update. Add SLAP_BACLI to protein composition data file. Fix some issues with the online search of Swiss-Prot. CHNOSZ_0.7 (2008-09-14) More work on calculations of the partial derivatives of omega; NaCl dissociation example is closer to but still not quite matching SOJ+92. Increase speed of 'water' in SUPCRT92 mode (handle intermediate results in matrix instead of dataframe) and of 'diagram' when drawing boundaries on predominance diagrams (pass coordinates of line segments in a single call to 'line'). Add 'do.plot' argument to 'diagram' to enable figure calculations without actually making a plot. Fix labels for charged species generated by 'axis.label'. Add 'return.approx' argument to 'info' for getting indicies of approximately matching species. CHNOSZ_0.6 (2008-03-08) Incorporate Debye-Huckel equation from Alberty, 2003 in function 'nonideal' and add corresponding argument (IS - ionic strength) to 'subcrt', 'affinity'. Rename thermo$par (annoying conflict when trying to get help on the 'par' in graphics package) to thermo$opt. Add code for (but mask it) "f" term in the "g" function (Shock et al., 1992) for partial derivatives of omega parameter. Extensive testing and modification of speciation code in 'diagram' for residue = TRUE. New function 'change' wrapping 'mod.buffer' and 'mod.obigt'. Add yline and xrange arguments to 'diagram'. Add minor tick marks to axes drawn using ''. First release on CHNOSZ_0.0.5 (2007-12-21) Change name of package, rename 'supcrt' to 'subcrt', link to H2O92D.F from SUPCRT92 (much faster than IAPWS calculations in R code), add 'examples' function and add more examples of buffers and protein calculations, update 'buffer' to be able to handle certain situations (e.g., fayalite- magnetite-quartz, where no basis species in Fe-SiO2-O2 is in common to all species), add functions 'axis.label', 'describe', 'mod.obigt' and 'mod.buffer', upload supporting proteomic (ECO.csv, SGD.csv, yeastgfp.csv) and thermodynamic data file (slop98.edit.dat) to OBIGT.csv now has 3001 entries. speciate_0.04 (2007-08-08) Add support for phase transitions of minerals in 'supcrt'. A new function 'proteome' retrieves amino acid compositions of proteins in yeast and E. coli and interacts with YeastGFP data to calculate the compositions of subproteomes (assemblages of proteins in compartments), requires external files. Change default style of axis labels (no longer e.g. O2 (log f)). New function 'water.lines' adds oxidation- reduction stability limits of water to Eh-pH and related diagrams. speciate_0.03 (2006-12-06) Add license file, and make minor updates to code and data files. Extend the precision of values of G of the protein groups tabulated in OBIGT.csv to the units place (calculated from H and S), to prevent warnings caused by propagated rounding errors. Also recalculate the tabulated values of Cp and V of these groups to greater precision (hundredths place, thousandths for [UPBB]). Give the aqueous electron a value of standard molal entropy consistent with that of Z. Correct guanosine to guanine in nucleobase-amino acid example. Make single-species basis definition possible. speciate_0.02 (2006-11-10) Major update. Incorporates IAPWS-95 equations for water; additivity and ionization functions for proteins; and functions 'affinity', 'buffer' and 'diagram'. Thermodynamic data are now retrieved from the OBIGT.csv data file (of 2006-11-07; 2928 entries); a function called 'info' is added as a user and programming interface to the data. 'protein' function can access the compositions of 115 proteins provided in the package, or retrieve compositions from SGD or Swiss-Prot. Includes R documentation and now passes R CMD check. speciate-0.01 (2006-08-17) Limited release. Primary functions include equations of state ('hkf', 'cgl'), 'makeup', 'supcrt'. ('basis', 'species' and 'info' are present but not working). Properties of liquid water are calculated from tabulated values on a P-T grid using 'interp' from the akima package. Separate data files for aqueous species (1548), and crystalline,gas,liquid species (242).