JMDplots vignettes

Colorectal Cancer

This vignette from the R package JMDplots version 1.2.19-9 shows chemical metrics for proteins that are differentially expressed in colorectal cancer compared to normal tissue. The analysis is described in more detail in a paper (Dick, 2021). Abbreviations:

datasets <- pdat_colorectal(2020)

Differences are calculated as (median value for up-regulated proteins) - (median value for down-regulated proteins). Dashed lines enclose the 50% confidence region for highest probability density.

In the table, values of ΔZC and ΔnH2O are multiplied by 1000, values of ΔMW are multiplied by 100, and negative values are shown in bold. Abbreviations:

set reference (description) ndown nup ΔZC ΔnH2O ΔnAA ΔMW
a WTK+08 (T / N) 57 70 1 2 -64 5
b XZC+10 (stage I / normal) 48 166 -3 10 -100 -16
c XZC+10 (stage II / normal) 77 321 11 2 4 -21
d ZYS+10 (microdissected T / N) 60 57 18 18 -7 -38
e BPV+11 (stage I / normal) 109 72 3 -12 42 -101
f BPV+11 (stage II / normal) 164 140 19 0 93 -29
g BPV+11 (stage III / normal) 63 131 23 -13 -36 38
h BPV+11 (stage IV / normal) 42 26 -8 16 -28 -110
i JCF+11 (T / N) 72 45 16 -2 -36 -20
j MRK+11 (adenocarcinoma / normal) 350 232 28 36 212 35
k SHHS11 (LCM T / N) 28 43 -16 21 62 -114
l FGW+12 (T / matched N) 48 34 -22 50 48 156
m KYK+12 (MSS-type T / N) 73 175 20 6 125 70
n WOD+12 (LCM FFPE T / adjacent N) 79 677 9 27 193 157
o CZD+14 (T / N) 52 74 6 43 -160 51
p STK+15 (membrane enriched T / N) 113 66 -4 7 6 100
q WDO+15 (LCM FFPE T / adjacent N) 879 1281 14 25 129 44
r LXM+16 (biopsy T / N) 191 178 -4 15 -24 65
s PHL+16 (CIS / N) 169 138 16 -6 284 142
t PHL+16 (ICC / N) 129 100 19 -20 309 160
u CTW+17 (organoid T / N) 227 78 -2 24 -120 66
v HZW+17 (T / adjacent N) 126 589 11 24 172 130
w LLL+17 (LCM cancer / non-neoplastic mucosa) 110 77 -6 10 247 148
x NKG+17 (T / N) 48 77 10 -15 -68 -66
y QMB+17 (FFPE T / N) 25 53 -23 53 -63 4
z TMS+17 (epithelial T / N) 158 166 29 17 61 70
A ZLY+17 (T / N) 58 54 18 13 -22 -11
B AKG+18 (T / N) 43 426 -31 32 -46 56
C STA+19 (non-metastatic colon cancer, T / N) 437 317 11 30 78 57
D STA+19 (metastatic colon cancer, T / N) 436 356 25 40 68 9
E VHW+19 (T / adjacent N) 417 31 -32 33 -49 106
F WYL+19 (tumor-associated / normal vascular endothelial cells) 97 119 10 -15 -150 162

Data Sources

Gene names or other identifiers were converted to UniProt accession numbers using the UniProt mapping tool, except for IPI accession numbers, which were converted using the DAVID 6.7 conversion tool.

a. Table 1 and Supplementary Data 1 of Watanabe et al. (2008) (Swiss-Prot and UniProt accession numbers from Supplementary Data 2). b. c. IPI accession numbers from Supplemental Table 4 of Xie et al. (2010). d. IPI accession numbers from Supplemental Table 4 of Zhang et al. (2010). e. f. g. h. Gene names from supplemental Table 9 of Besson et al. (2011). i. Supplementary Table 2 of Jankova et al. (2011). j. Table S8 of Mikula et al. (2011). k. Supplementary Table 1 of Shi et al. (2011). l. Appendix of Fan et al. (2012). m. Gene names from Supplementary Table 4 of Kang et al. (2012), filtered to include proteins with expression ratio > 2 or < 0.5 in both mTRAQ and cICAT analyses. n. Supplementary Table 4 of Wiśniewski et al. (2012). o. Table 2 of Chen et al. (2014). p. Ensembl protein IDs from Supporting Table 2 of Sethi et al. (2015). q. Proteins marked as having a significant change between normal tissue (N) and adenocarcinoma (C) in SI Table 3 of Wiśniewski et al. (2015). r. SI Table S3 of Liu et al. (2016), filtered to include proteins with p-value < 0.05. s. t. Gene names from Supplementary Table 4 of Peng et al. (2016), for differential expression between normal colonic mucosa (NC) and carcinoma in situ (CIS) or invasive colorectal cancer (ICC). u. Table S3 of Cristobal et al. (2017). v. Dataset 6A of Hao et al. (2017). w. Supplementary Material Table S1 of Li et al. (2017). x. Table 2 of Nishio et al. (2017). y. Table S2 of Quesada-Calvo et al. (2017), filtered to include comparisons between adenocarcinoma and diverticular disease. z. Table S1 of Tu et al. (2017), filtered to include proteins that are consistently up- or down-regulated in at least 11 of 12 patients. A. IPI accession numbers from Table S2 of Zhang et al. (2017). B. Supplementary Table 1B of Atak et al. (2018), filtered to include proteins with expression ratio > 3/2 or < 2/3. C. D. Supplementary Table S2 of Saleem et al. (2019), filtered to include proteins with log2 ratio > ± the standard deviation of values for all quantified proteins. E. Online data from Vasaikar et al. (2019) (file: Human__CPTAC_COAD__PNNL__Proteome__TMT__03_01_2017__BCM__Gene__Tumor_Normal_log2FC.cct), filtered to include proteins with median log2 ratio > 1 or < -1. F. Supplementary Information Table S2 of Wang et al. (2019).


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