JMDplots vignettes

Pancreatic Cancer

This vignette from the R package JMDplots version 1.2.19-9 shows chemical metrics for proteins that are differentially expressed in pancreatic cancer compared to normal tissue. The analysis is described in more detail in a paper (Dick, 2021). Abbreviations:

datasets <- pdat_pancreatic(2020)

Differences are calculated as (median value for up-regulated proteins) - (median value for down-regulated proteins). Dashed lines enclose the 50% confidence region for highest probability density.

In the table, values of ΔZC and ΔnH2O are multiplied by 1000, values of ΔMW are multiplied by 100, and negative values are shown in bold. Abbreviations:

set reference (description) ndown nup ΔZC ΔnH2O ΔnAA ΔMW
a LHE+04 (T / adjacent N) 41 69 7 54 -1 6
b CYD+05 (T / N) 60 88 26 9 128 88
c CGB+05 (T / N) 48 54 7 13 87 -16
d CTZ+09 (T / adjacent N) 28 29 18 47 132 -134
e MLC+11 (T / adjacent N) 38 45 10 28 18 61
f PCS+11 (FFPE T / N) 207 152 35 -19 130 -30
g TMW+11 (accessible T / N) 108 86 -45 -21 139 42
h KBK+12 (FFPE T / N) 38 47 41 32 -87 21
i KHO+13 (T / N) 78 57 -17 29 -380 45
j KPC+13 (T / adjacent N) 257 456 3 31 -69 82
k WLL+13a (T / adjacent N with DM) 208 219 32 14 86 24
l WLL+13a (T / adjacent N without DM) 56 167 26 46 131 -16
m YKK+13 (T / adjacent N) 84 83 27 -2 60 57
n ZNWL13 (LCM T / adjacent N) 227 148 33 2 32 -12
o ISI+14 (T / adjacent N) 65 34 6 -19 -53 174
p BZQ+14 (T / matched N) 55 98 26 1 102 6
q MZH+14 (mouse tumor / healthy) 38 28 5 -8 -141 -41
r BHB+15 (mouse organoids T / N) 486 526 -9 23 34 -30
s KKC+16 (mouse 10 w T / N) 37 108 18 34 -46 17
t CHO+18 (T / adjacent N) 109 129 21 2 120 109
u SWW+18 (T / adjacent N) 284 324 -11 0 4 38
v ZAH+19 (T / N) 89 76 27 -34 222 46

Data Sources

Gene names or other identifiers were converted to UniProt accession numbers using the UniProt mapping tool, except for IPI accession numbers, which were converted using the DAVID 6.7 conversion tool.

a. Tables 2 and 3 of Lu et al. (2004). b. Tables 1 and 2 of Chen et al. (2005). c. Table 2 of Crnogorac-Jurcevic et al. (2005). d. Table 1 of Cui et al. (2009). e. IPI numbers from Supplementary Table S2 of McKinney et al. (2011). f. Supplementary Table 3 of Pan et al. (2011). g. Extracted from the SI Table of Turtoi et al. (2011). h. Supplementary Tables 2 and 3 of Kojima et al. (2012). i. SI Table S3 of Kawahara et al. (2013), filtered to include proteins with an expression ratio >2 [or <0.5] in at least 5 of the 7 experiments and ratio >1 [or <1] in all experiments. j. Supplementary Table 2 of Kosanam et al. (2013). k. l. Supplementary Tables S3 and S4 of Wang et al. (2013), including proteins with >3/2 or <2/3 fold change in at least 3 of 4 iTRAQ experiments for different pooled samples. m. Supplementary Tables 2 and 3 of Yu et al. (2013) (data file provided by Youngsoo Kim). n. SI Table S5 of Zhu et al. (2013). o. SI Table S5 of Iuga et al. (2014), filtered to exclude proteins marked as “not passed”, i.e. having inconsistent regulation. p. Table S6, Sheet 2 of Britton et al. (2014). q. Table 1 of Mirus et al. (2014). r. Table S6 of Boj et al. (2015). s. Supplementary Table of Kuo et al. (2016). t. Supplementary Table S3 of Coleman et al. (2018). u. Table S1 of Song et al. (2018), filtered to exclude proteins with opposite expression changes in different patients. v. Gene names extracted from Figure 1b of Zhou et al. (2019).


Thanks to Youngsoo Kim for providing a data file.


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