JMDplots vignettes

Secreted Proteins in Hypoxia

This vignette from the R package JMDplots version 1.2.19-9 shows chemical metrics for secreted proteins that are differentially expressed in hypoxia compared to control conditions. The analysis is described in more detail in a paper (Dick, 2021). Abbreviations:

datasets <- pdat_secreted(2020)

Differences are calculated as (median value for up-regulated proteins) - (median value for down-regulated proteins). Dashed lines enclose the 50% confidence region for highest probability density.

In the table, values of ΔZC and ΔnH2O are multiplied by 1000, values of ΔMW are multiplied by 100, and negative values are shown in bold. Abbreviations:

set reference (description) ndown nup ΔZC ΔnH2O ΔnAA ΔMW
a BRA+10 (placental secretome) 41 22 -26 -5 -10 108
b PTD+10 (A431 squamous carcinoma cells Hx48) 38 78 -27 68 -174 -10
c PTD+10 (A431 squamous carcinoma cells Hx72) 43 66 -1 65 -296 44
d JVC+12 (endothelial cell-derived exosomes) 64 45 0 84 -229 -45
e SKA+13 (cytotrophoblast-derived exosomes) 38 25 46 38 72 -121
f SRS+13a (pMSC 3 / 1 % O2) 193 72 14 -6 84 62
g SRS+13a (pMSC 8 / 1 % O2) 193 75 6 -19 167 111
h LRS+14 (myoblast secretome) 52 29 40 -46 276 -140
i YKK+14 (U373MG glioma cells soluble) 45 22 66 -27 -54 49
j YKK+14 (U373MG glioma cells exosome) 56 40 52 -38 -100 105
k CRS+15 (MDA-MB-231 breast cancer parental cells) 28 25 2 -53 32 -142
l CRS+15 (MDA-BT breast cancer bone tropic cells) 20 79 36 -84 185 -122
m RTA+15 (LNCaP and PC3 prostate cancer cell exosomes) 16 111 -13 35 -170 86
n RSE+16 (adipose-derived stem cells) 66 50 27 -13 58 50
o CGH+17 (mouse cardiac fibroblasts exosomes) 73 71 40 -68 110 -112
p CGH+17 (mouse cardiac fibroblasts secretome) 47 75 5 -54 -31 -123
q CLY+18 (HCT116 colon cancer cells secretome) 104 88 29 -29 -146 -113
r DWW+18 (ovarian cancer cell exosomes) 22 102 7 -1 4 194
s FPR+18 (endothelial progenitor cells) 41 42 -1 20 167 -8
t ODS+18 (AC10 ventricular cardiomyocyte extracellular vesicles) 14 60 -5 20 -110 -286
u CWG+19 (U87-MG glioma cell extracellular vesicles) 980 1034 1 2 44 -22
v KAN+19 (cancer-associated fibroblasts secretome) 33 26 -20 -5 -293 242
w NJVS19 (cancer-associated myofibroblasts) 96 54 29 -23 63 -105
x NJVS19 (normal tissue myofibroblasts) 143 233 -29 57 -188 97
y PDT+19 (mouse melanoma B16-F0 exosomes) 219 988 2 14 46 30

Data Sources

Gene names or other identifiers were converted to UniProt accession numbers using the UniProt mapping tool.

a. Tables 2 and 3 of Blankley et al. (2010). b. c. Gene names from Supplementary Table S1 of Park et al. (2010), filtered with p-value < 0.05, expression ratio > 1.3 or < 1/1.3 and EF < 2. d. Extracted from Supplementary Table SIII of de Jong et al. (2012): median values of peptide quantification (omitting proteins identified with less than 5 peptides that have different signs of log2 values); differentially expressed proteins identifed using a log2 cutoff of 0.2. e. Extracted from Table 1 of Salomon et al. (2013a), to include proteins exclusively identified in 1% or 8% O2. f. g. Extracted from Table 1 of Salomon et al. (2013b), including unique proteins for 1%, 3%, and 8% O2. h. GI numbers from Supplementary Data 6 of Li et al. (2014). i. j. Extracted from Table S1 of Yoon et al. (2014), to include proteins identified by at least 2 unique peptides and surpassing a log2 cutoff of 0.5 in soluble or exosome fractions. k. l. Gene names from Supplementary Information Table 1 of Cox et al. (2015), filtered to include proteins with log2 fold change between air and hypoxia > 0.2 or < -0.2. m. Gene names from Supporting Information Tables S1 (normoxic) and S2 (hypoxic) of Ramteke et al. (2015), filtered to include proteins that were exclusively identified in either condition. n. Gene names from Tables 1 and 2 of Riis et al. (2016). o. p. Extracted from Tables S2A (exosomes) and S2B (secretome) of Cosme et al. (2017), keeping proteins with FDR < 0.05. q. Supplementary Tables S8-S9 (secretome) of Chen et al. (2018). r. Supplementary Table 1 of Dorayappan et al. (2018). s. Table S2 of Felice et al. (2018). t. Supplementary Material Tables S1 and S2 of Ontoria-Oviedo et al. (2018), filtered to include proteins exclusively identified in hypoxia or normoxia. u. Supplementary Tables 1 and 2 of Chandran et al. (2019), filtered to include proteins uniquely identified in either hypoxia or normoxia. v. Proteins identified as up- or down-regulated > 1 SD in Data File S1 of Kugeratski et al. (2019) (pooled data from sheets “Soluble Secretome” and “EVs”). w. x. Extracted from proteinGroups.txt in ProteomeXchange Dataset PXD008104 (Najgebauer et al., 2019). Expression ratios between hypoxia and normoxia were calculated from LFQ intensity values, and proteins were classified as up- or down-regulated if they had expression ratios > 1.2 or < 1/1.2 in all three experiments for one cell type (CAM or NTM). The Majority protein IDs and mean values of the expression ratios were saved in the data file. y. Supplementary Table 2 of Park et al. (2019), filtered with log2 fold-change cutoff of 1.


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